That is me.
Why does this picture mean so much to me?

We all take small things for granted, like tying a knot or driving a car. We learn how to do it, and after a while do not think about it anymore.

But suddenly, nothing works as it used to.
That is what happened to me.

3 years ago, I woke up with some sudden pain in my right shoulder. Then, it disappeared and came back the next day, then again, and again. For a long time, it came back between 7-9 am and faded later.
Slowly, I was not able to do ordinary things like writing with a pen, driving my stick shift car, turning my head easily, or hooking my bra at my back.
I had to give up cookie decorating because I could not squeeze out the icing from the icing bag.
I could not even sleep because turning was painful.

My work as a web designer was in jeopardy, which means that everything I worked for and everything I know is dependent on using my hand and that hand was giving up on me.

Pain is a tricky subject.
Pain is something that hard to explain, and hard to measure.

I was in pain. Sometimes it was endurable, other times it was crushing me.

The doctor told me that he could not see anything and that I should take Advil or can go to see other doctors; probably I would be given a Lidocaine injection, but I did not want to take that as an answer.

That was the first time that I went to see Dr. Moncton and Westboro Spine & Holistic Health Center to receive chiropractic treatments. He showed me how rotated my spine and my posture was. It was shocking. Dr. Moncton patiently worked on me for several months even though I was not really a great patient. I was that patient who was afraid of the noises my body gave, but I felt better, day by day. Thank you Dr.Moncton!

Then, I tried out acupuncture for the first time in my life at Northborough Acupuncture and Wellness Center, and it was a miracle. Diana Jones’ knowledge and passion were amazing to experience. I noticed instant changes in my range of motion and became aware of other changes in my body as well. Thank you, Diana!

Later I learned about Carol Peronace Waite ‘s yoga classes, Yoga with Carol, and her scoliosis workshop where I learned poses to stretch out my spine and strengthen my back muscles. I incorporated these poses into my workout routine ever since. Thank you Carol!

It has been over a year now, and I can say that I am back to normal.

  • No pain.
  • No Advil.
  • Back to safe driving.
  • Back to work.
  • Back to cookie decorating and hooking my bra.

I am so grateful for all of these people and their passion to help others.
There is no day when I do not think gratefully about all my experiences with them.

Now you understand why putting on my bra is a big deal for me