I like to launch websites. <3
But the final goal of a website is to make it visible for the public and let it work for the business which paid for it.

I offer One time SEO service for companies working with me. I get the question all the time if that service is enough to put a website front page of Google.
The short answer is No, it is not enough to put a website to Google front page.
One time SEO removes the “roadblocks” and create a nice clean path for Google to scroll the website from page to page. There is a list of items that included into my One time SEO service.

One-time SEO check list:

  • Generate website title and tagline. new-website-launch
  • Set the link structure to blog post type.
  • Make sure each page has a custom meta title and description.
  • Make sure each image is optimized with “alt” tags and optimum width and height. ( So no image is very big to download)
  • Add Google Analytics tracking code.
  • Create a sitemap of the website pages for search engines.
  • Verify the site with Google Search Console and submit sitemap.
  • Set up social media profiles and link to those from the site.
  • Add a social media sharing plugin so readers can share posts and pages.
  • Create a favicon and add to the website. (website icon, tab icon, URL icon or bookmark icon)

Pre-launch WordPress Website checklist addition to One time SEO:

  • Get rid of Admin username to make the site more secure. ( “admin” is the automatic generated user name)
  • Setting up Limited Login plugin, which blocks logins without the correct password and username.
  • Delete the Default sample page and post (Hello Word).
  • Remove Hello Dolly Plugin.
  • Activate a Spam filter, so the website blog won’t receive thousands of spam comments.
  • Turn off the privacy filter so the site will be crawled by the search engines.
  • If the site on a temporary url all of the links have to be updated.
  • Set up 301 redirects if you are redoing a site in which the permalink structure will change.
  • Cross browser check to make sure the site looks perfect everywhere.
  • Look at website on a phone and tablet.
  • Review calls to action on pages – does each page have a purpose?
  • Set up an email platform service ( I recommend MailChimp). Create a template and set a campaign to automatically email your new blog posts to your subscribers.
  • Add the email sign up code to the website.
  • Test all email addresses that you have on the site.
  • Make sure there is a regular scheduled back up of the website.
  • Download a copy of the site and save it in DropBox or on a zip drive.

More info about how to analyze Google Analytic.

Need help with listing, updating or marketing your website? Contact me!
